Error Code: 0x800CCC6A
Similar Symptoms:
0x800CCC6A SMTP 451 ERROR PROCESSING - Error processing request. 0x800CCC6B SMTP
551 USER NOT LOCAL - User mailbox is ... 0x800CCC6A, N/A, SMTP_451_ERROR_PROCESSING,
Error processing request. 0x800CCC6B, N/A, SMTP_551_USER_NOT_LOCAL
551 USER NOT LOCAL - User mailbox is ... 0x800CCC6A, N/A, SMTP_451_ERROR_PROCESSING,
Error processing request. 0x800CCC6B, N/A, SMTP_551_USER_NOT_LOCAL
Possible Causes:
1) Duplicate email account in mail client
2) Your ISP block your SMTP 25
3) Mail server in busy status
1) Delete one of the duplicate email account in mail client and restart it
2) User your ISP’s SMTP or apply the other port of SMTP in Communilink
3) Support staff should working on this issue.
You can call the hotline if error keeps happening after15 to 20 minutes