How to stop the spam mail?

Spammers are hard to stop. If you stop them via one method, they adapt quickly: if you filter emails for keywords, they change their messages to work around such filters. Plus, if you too aggressively filter your mail for spam, you may inadvertantly filter out legitimate mail. This problem not only affects you, but us and everyone else using the internet.
Some suggestions to avoid spam email:
1. Avoid posting your real email address on websites, newsgroups, etc. If you do post publicly and want people to  be able to contact you by email, you can post your yahoo, gmail or hotmail accounts. Then if you get too much junk mail at that address, you can just delete it, or ignore it all together, without messing up your regular mail.
2. Be careful who you give your email address to and what you signup for with your email address. Giving your email address to the wrong website or company could result in it being sold in bulk to spammers.
3. Install Anti-Spam software or join the Anti-Spam service.
Communilink provides Basic anti-spam and Spam Controller to filter spam.
Please feel free contact our Customer Service Department to see how both services can help you. Or you can have some detail by visit
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