Form Name Service Fee English Version Chinese Version Description
Web Hosting Order Form ---
To order our hosting service pack
Email Package Order Form ---
To order our email service pack
Change Domain Registrar Form $400.00 ---
Request to change your domain registrar from one registrar to another one. (i.e. change from VeriSign to BulkRegister.)
Modification of primay contact information Form Free ---
To modify your contact information in our account including contact person, address, email, telephone number and etc...
Service Termination Form Free ---
Request to terminate the service.
Transfer Domain Ownership Form $500.00 ---
To transfer the ownership of your domain name (e.g. to another person or company.
Transfer Account Ownership Form Free ---
Transfer Account Ownership Form
Transfer the Balance of Web Hosting Form $250.00 ---
To transfer your account balance to a new domain or existance domain.