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How do I import a MySQL dumpfile into my database?

After you have dumped out your data into a file as dbname.sql, you can upload this database file by FTP to your home directory. (/)

Once you have uploaded the dump file to your account, get a shell prompt on our system using telnet.

Now import the dump file into MySQL by typing all the following.
  • Telnet YourFTPIP  (ex: telnet
  • Insert your FTP login and and password
  • Then type  mysql -p dbname < /home/username/dbname.sql
               ex: mysql -p wcpdemo01 < /home/wcpdemo/dbname.sql
                    database name: wcpdemo01
                    username: wcpdemo
                    the dump file: dbname.sql
The above assumes that your database name on our system is "dbname" and the dumpfile that you uploaded was named "dbname.sql". Replace those with your correct database name and dumpfile filename.