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How do I transfer the Web Hosting Service from another company to CommuniLink?

Generally, there are two steps to transfer your web hosting service to CommuniLink:

The First Step: Upload your web page files and set up your email address.
After created an account in CommuniLink, you should upload your web page files to CommuniLink server and set up your email address. It is suggested to upload your information to CommuniLink server before starting to transfer the DNS Record to CommuniLink, in case you lost the important Email or fail to browse your website.
The Second Step: Modify your DNS Name Servers.
It is necessary to modify the Domain name server(DNS)  so that the transfer from your originally provider to CommuniLink will be successful. Just simply to enter the information of CommuniLink server into the DNS setting box , the domain registrar will point your web pages and email to CommuniLink server.