How to set up an email account in Window Live Mail?

1. Start Window Live Mail. Go to File tab, Options and click Email accounts


2. Click Add.

3. Select Email Account and click Next.

4. Enter your email account details.

    Email Address: your email address (e.g. [email protected]
    Password: This is the email password set in Email Manager
    Tick "Remember password"
    Display name for your sent messages: Your name
    Tick "Manually configure server settings"
     Click Next.

5. Enter Server information details.

    Incoming server information
    Server Type: Select POP or IMAP
    Server Address: as your Incoming Mail Server (replace with your domain name)
    Logon username: Your email address

     Outgoing server information
    Server Address: (replace with your domain name) OR your ISP’s SMTP as your Outgoing Mail Server  
   Tick Requires authenication
   And click Next.

***Please contact your ISP for the outgoing mail server setting if you are using theirs SMTP.

6. Click Finish.

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