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How to use htaccess to password protect files and directories?

To utilize htaccess dynamic password protection on a directory:


1.  Telnet into your FTP account




2.  Create a passwd file. You can create a passwd file with the "htpasswd" utility on the server.

     run htpasswd -c [filename] [user]
     ex: htpasswd -c .htpasswd testpro

3.  You will then be prompted for a password for the user. Type the password.

     To add a new user to an existing password file, run the command:

     htpasswd [passwd file] [user]
     ex: htpasswd .htpasswd testpro2

     Then you will be prompted for a password for "testpro2".

4.   Create a .htaccess file. You can either create this file locally and ftp the file to the server, or you can edit the  file directly on the server using the text editor pico: pico .htaccess

A standard .htaccess file contains the following:

AuthType Basic

require valid-user

For example, if you want to protect a directory "testprotect" in your public_html directory, place the following .htaccess file in the testprotect directory. Be sure to include the full path including your home directory for the AuthUserFile. This assumes your document directory is located in /home/wcpdemo/testprotect, and your passwd file is named ".htpasswd" and is located in the members directory.

AuthUserFile   /home/wcpdemo/public_html/testprotect/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile  /dev/null